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With This Recipe Book in Your Arsenal of Elder Care Tools, You Can Create Healthy Meals for Your Elder, Can Save You Hours and Hours of Time, and Can Save You Hundreds of Dollars ... Let Me Show You How...As caregivers of elderly we aim to have the healthiest parents that we can have. But in this fast food state of mind, which our society has put upon us, the quality of the foods we feed our elderly is suffering from the availability of the fast food restaurants and the amount of time that it takes to prepare a good healthy meal. It seems that more and more people are dependent on eating out, whether it be driving through a fast food restaurant, ordering pizza, Chinese delivery, or going out to a sit down restaurant. When it comes to feeding our elderly parents we can fall into this same downward spiral of not having the time to cook a healthy nutritious meal and just feeding them what is easy. As a caregiver you are pulled in so many directions that you don’t have the time every day to think of what you can cook for your elder.
I Fell into the Fast Food Trap Have You?
I myself have fallen into the fast food trap with my parents. When my parents first moved to Texas I decided that frozen food was the way to go. I would look at all the frozen dinners and look at the sodium content and decide what items they could eat. I picked out the dinners by the amount of sodium per serving and see what was appropriate for them to have on a daily basis. The ladies taking care of my parents could easily heat up the frozen dinners for lunch and dinner without too many issues. Breakfast was ok for them using egg substitutes and making cereal/toast etc. One day I happened to look at the sodium content in the cereal, pancakes, waffles, biscuits, and flavored oatmeal, I was shocked and appalled at the sodium content. I never thought about sodium in frozen waffles and pancakes. One serving of those frozen waffles the sodium content is 440mg!
2035mg of Sodium in One Meal! Can You See The Body Swell?
The biggest motivator for me was one day I came home and saw that my staff fed Mom and Dad the entire family sized lasagna for one meal!!! It was meant to be at least 2 or 3 meals for each of them. Both of my parents would eat all of the food that you put on the plate, they grew up in the Great Depression and they didn’t waste food. The amount of sodium they got that one meal, 2035mg, was enough for them for a week!
I really felt bad that I was the one who was having the staff feed them the frozen food and just because I wanted it to be easy for me and not take too much of my time. I knew I had to come up with a way to feed them a nutritious healthy meal that fit within the dietary restraints and that was easy for our staff to prepare, and most important I had to make it so I could do it without it taking up too much of my time. I wanted to be a good daughter who was doing the best she could for her parents not a daughter who was taking the fast unhealthy easy way out.
The Big Plan Find an Elderly Cookbook – a.k.a. Wasting Time and Gas
The light bulb went off and I had an idea! I wasn’t sure how my idea would work but I started with breakfast. I got rid of all the frozen breakfast items and began to cook my own “frozen food” for them. I started searching all my cookbooks for the type of recipes that I needed to cook for my parents. No luck. Most cookbooks are targeted to one type of diet restriction, such as a Diabetic cookbook or low sodium. I could not find one cookbook that had all the things I needed and no one had a cookbook that catered to feeding the elderly. I spent at least a month of my time trying to find a cookbook over the internet and driving around to book stores. At the bookstores I would grab a stack of cookbooks and thumb through and scour the recipes. I wasted so much of my time and my gas.
The “Elderly Cookbook” Takes Shape
Since I couldn’t find a cookbook I turned to looking for specific recipes instead of an entire cookbook. I spent hours and hours combing the internet for recipes. I would assess each of them for fat, sugar and sodium content and then either move on to the next website or print them out and put them in a stack labeled “maybe - with some modification.” By the way, there never was a total “yes” recipe that fit my criteria. Ninety-nine percent of the recipes I found were “no’s.” After I got a stack of potential recipes, I would then start to delete and add items to basic recipe. For example, if it said to use canned green beans; I would substitute fresh or fresh frozen. If the recipe called for salt, automatically that got deleted and I would find a substitute herb to replace the salt. I would go through each recipe with a fine-toothed comb and come up with a meal. The next step would be to cook up a sample dinner for myself and my husband. He is my taste tester. If the recipe passed Jerry’s taste test, it would go on the list of foods I could feed Mom and Dad. When I found 4 or 5 good recipes, I would then make up huge batches of the food, package them into one meal portions, provide cooking directions, and freeze them for our staff.
This “Elderly Cookbook” is the Easy Solution to Your Meal Preparation Dilemma. For Only $7
You can spend the many hours scouring the internet looking for recipes; spend the time examining the recipes for the fat, sodium and sugar content; spend the money and time to test the recipes; and you can spend the time away from your family or you can simply order this cookbook for just $7.00.
I did all the work for you. I did the research, the recipe substitutions, the testing and I put all these recipes into a cookbook entitled Healthy Recipes for the Elderly. I have made meal preparation easy for you.
These Quick and Easy Recipes are: · Low Fat · Low Sodium · Low Sugar or No Sugar · Great Tasting · High in Flavor · Non-Spicy · Designed for an elderly persons appetite · Soft foods but not mushy
Recipes Include Soups, Casseroles, And Main Dishes Made Of:
· Beef · Chicken · Pork · Seafood · Turkey · Pasta
These recipes are made using everyday items that are found in your typical grocery store. No searching for odd ingredients and having to go out of your way to a specialty shop. How easy is that?
All Recipes Save You Money Because They Can Be:
· Doubled, tripled or made in any quantity · Frozen – even soup · Made in individual serving dinners
Here's A Sneak Peek At Some Easy Dinner Recipes Inside the Cookbook!
HAM AND POTATO CASSEROLE (Serves 6) 2 lbs. frozen hash brown potatoes, thawed
To de-salt the ham, place ham into a pot containing enough water to cover the ham. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain water out of pot and add new water to cover the ham. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain water out of pot. The ham now has much less salt.
Combine all casserole ingredients and mix well. Place in casserole dish. Combine topping ingredients; sprinkle on casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
CHIKEN NOODLE CASSEROLE (Serves 6) 8 oz. Wide Egg Noodles, uncooked or “no yokes” Topping 2 tbsp. bread crumbs 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon Italian Herb Seasoning
Prepare egg noodles according to package directions; drain. Whisk the sour cream, chicken broth, 2 tablespoons of the Parmesan cheese, eggs and mustard in a bowl until blended. Add noodles, broccoli and chicken and toss well. Transfer the mixture to a 9 x 12-inch baking dish. Cooking Food For Your Elder Can Be Easy!
I am sure you have whipped up a batch of pancakes or waffles for your family’s breakfast. Well, what if you just doubled the batch and froze the extra? That’s not hard to do. It takes just a few minutes extra to grill the pancakes or waffles and you have a healthy breakfast for your Mom or Dad for a week! You can go the unhealthy way and go to the store and pick up a package of frozen waffles. Have you ever looked at the nutritional information on the side of the box? It doesn’t look too bad at first glance, but if you analyze the sodium content and compare it to the recommend allowance for older adults, two breakfast waffles are 36% of the sodium an elderly person needs for a whole day!
Nutrition Facts
Here is the Food and Nutrition Board and the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations from a book published by the National Academy Press (2004) entitled Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate (The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are quantitative estimates of nutrient intakes to be used for planning and assessing diets for healthy people.
“The AI {Adequate Intakes} for sodium for older adults and the elderly is somewhat less, based on lower energy intakes, and is set at 1.3 g (55 mmol)/day for men and women 50 through 70 years of age, and at 1.2 g (50 mmol)/day for those 71 years of age and older.”
Order Now and You Will Also Receive a How to Guide - Preparing Meals for the Elderly
When you purchase Healthy Recipes for the Elderly you will gain access to Preparing Meals for the Elderly. This e-book How-To guide will teach you how to make meals for your elderly and package them so they can be frozen and cooked by the elder or a staff member. This must have companion e-book contains chapters on:
This e-book is a great partner to your Healthy Recipes for the Elderly Cookbook. The cookbook only gives you recipe info but you also need the “know how” and it is yours absolutely free with your cookbook purchase.
Don’t Wait Any Longer Struggling On What To Cook For Your Elder
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