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10/25/05 11:16am
Hey Everyone, Hope all will well with all of you! Hope you folks in Fl rode out the hurricane well. Jack/Nancy and Bobby/Judy, I am sure you don't have power yet, but let us know how you did during the storm. We are all concerned about you folks in South Fl. I hope none of y'all in the Orlando area had any problems. I got an e-mail from my cousin in Tampa and they didn't have any problems with the storm. So glad to hear that. All is good here in TX. Mom and Dad are doing rather well, knock on wood. I have attached a picture of each of them taken on Ocotber 14, 2005. They were hanging out in the garage (like Dad always does) enjoying the day. Dad gets out almost daily and Mom at least a few times a week. Sometimes, Dad goes out there multiple times a day. I really wish that they sold those screen garage doors here like they had at home in Deltona. It sure would keep the mosquitoes out. They got pretty bad here after Rita (hurricane not the Aunt) visited us. There was alot of water just east of Houston and that gave them the breeding water. Here it is very dry. We haven't had a good rain since June I guess. There isn't really much to talk about this month. It was a bit crazy during the hurricane, but things have settled back down and things have gotten back to normal. Next week is Mom's 83rd birthday (Nov 4th) !!! We will have a little party for her on Thurs evening (Jerry and I are going camping the night of the 4th) and then I will have 2 of the ladies take Mom and Dad out on Fri for an outting. I was thinking about having them go to the museum. They are having a Princess Diana exhibit from now until Feb. Mom will really love that. I think it would be a good b-day outting. Mom really loved Aunt Dolores' purse that she had when they visited in July. It had a picture of her with rhinestones on her crown. It sparkled and Mom liked the purse. She has always love Princess Di, so this would be good. I have to see if our work has discount tickets. Lots of times they have them for the special shows. You have to get a special ticket to see that part of museum. I got Jerry a new puppy for his birthday. She (Daisy) is a Boston Terrier, just like Harley, except this one isn't deaf. She hears real well. She was born on Dad's b-day (July 22, 05) and Anna and I got her on Aunt Jay's B-day. Anna and I thought that was a good sign. Since she was Jerry's gift, he got to name her. So she of course has many names, Daisy Mae, Daisy Duke Dog, Crazy Daisy, Lazy Daisy etc. But she is so cute. When we got her, Anna and I took her over to see Mom and Dad. Mom really smiled when she saw Daisy and Mom reached out to pet her. Daisy ended up taking a little nap on Mom's bed leaning up against her. Mom likes her, but she doesn't like dogs around too much. Oh, and I had a fleeting thought about taking Dad to see one of the World Series games since they are here in Houston this year. Well, the thought went straight out of my head, when I heard that standing room only tickets were selling for about $750.00 per ticket. Well, then there would be the fact of actually finding a few to buy, which is impossible. But it is pretty cool that the Astros finally got up there. They have been waiting a long, long time. GO ASTROS! Sorry you Sox fans, I just had to say it. Oh, Aunt Rita, I will send you the photos in the mail since you can't open them from this e-mail. Well, that's about all for now. Will keep in touch. Love and hugs to all. Mary et. al.
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