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12/22/04 7:47am
Both Mom and Dad have been in and out of the hospital since they have been here. Dad got pneumonia and the flu (at the same time) and spent a week in the hospital. After he got home he was weak and fell a few times. Thank God he only broke a few fingers on his left hand and not his hip. Mom had some issues in getting her seizure medications regulated. After the second stroke, she started having them. Then Mom had some stomach issues, but is on the mend. Joan, Tom, Anna and I have divided up some of the parent duties. Joan is in charge of the main money for the folks. Joan and Tom took care of getting their home emptied and moved up to GA. Joan, thank God, took care of selling their home in FL. She got the home sold 1 week before the first hurricane (Charley) hit FL. God we were lucky. The lady that bought the house did have a lot of damage. We aren't sure which hurricane caused the most damage, but they lost all the bushes in the front yard, the naval orange tree, the tree on the side of the drive way (the lady had taken down the one in the island the day before Charley hit), and the roof was gone in many places. She had her car damaged (in the garage) from roof damage. Oh, and if you send M&D a card or letter, don't mention the house. Dad gets too upset talking about the house, so we didn't tell him we sold it. Anna has opened her home to the folks and to the nursing staff. Her dog, Tiger, was upset when they moved in, because she moved him and her out of the master bedroom and into one of the small bedrooms. Tiger thought (we know this through the pet psychic) she may get rid of him since they moved in. But he is better now and has accepted the folks and the nurses as part of the pack. The nurses forget that Anna lives there too. Sometimes they question why we purchase items, and Anna has to remind them that they are for her, not the folks. I get the job of getting them back and forth to the doctors, the pills and most of the shopping. I used to love to go shopping, but after you run to the store daily (so it seems), it gets not to be so much fun. I have the most wonderful boss! He so understands the time I need to get them to the doctors. Sometimes I feel like I am hardly at work. I traded in my suburban and got a van and put in a handicap lift. What a wonderful device. It was worth every penny. On Christmas day last year Joan was down in FL taking care of Dad. Anna, Jerry and myself flew in for the day and we all went to spend the day at DM with Mom. We flew back late that evening and when we got home our cat, Arlene had passed. She was almost 19 years old and had chronic renal failure and was recently diagnosed with bone cancer of her front paw. We were not expecting her to live long, but passing on Christmas wasn't expected. I guess it was a good thing we were gone, because I would have rushed her to the emergency vet. This way she passed in peace. Emily brought home a kitten that she found at an abandoned home on the Halloween weekend, so we call her Trixie. She was about 5 weeks old when we got her. She is a Siamese mix and full of piss and vinegar. She can play all day and all night. Hopefully she will settle down when she gets older. Her new best bud, is Harley, the deaf dog. They wrestle all the time.
Our family hopes this letter finds all of you healthy and I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday!
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