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Wednesday, June 02, 2004 7:59 AM Good Morning to you all, Sorry it has been awhile since my last correspondance, but there hasn't been much to tell you about. Overall, both Mom and Dad are doing better. Dad is getting stronger by the day. Joan arrived here last Thursday and I put her right to work. Dad had an appointment at the cardiologist for a "chemical" stress test. It literally took about 8 hours from door to door. We got the results back yesterday, and his heart is a little weak, but when stressed, it pumps well. The Dr. says he will give Dad another medication to help his heart work better. He said overall things looked good and he didn't need any other proceedures done on him. We asked about the pacemaker and he will get a pacemaker check up in August. Today, Wed, June 2, at 1pm. Joan and I are taking Dad to see the family dr. He has his follow up with her. We need to update her that he is now complaining about his back and his hips. The swelling and bruising has gone down/away tremendously. There are just a few light blue spots on the 2 first fingers by the thumb. He goes to the hand doctor next week and we also have a cardio appt for Mom next week. Joan is leaving tomorrow and I will be sad to see her go. I really enjoy her company, but she has also been a help for M&D. Mom is doing very well. At her last dr. appt, she said that Mom still has a urinary tract infection, but this one is treatable with pill form antibiotics. The other one she had was a very resistant bug and would only be killed by IV antibiotics. She will go back to the dr in a few weeks to get a check up. We took Mom and Dad and the entire extended Houston family plus Joan out to dinner on Sunday. We went to the Blackeyed Pea. We had a party of 14 and it took a long time to get the food, but Mom was sitting at the head of the table and sat there for about 2 hours. She did real well. She sat very good in the wheelchair and didn't make any of her compaining noises (like when she is uncomfortable). All went well and we sorta hurried up after dinner to get her back home in bed. OOPS big mistake!! We got her home and she threw up her dinner. We moved her too soon after eating. She really needs to be upright and evidentially not moving for at least a half an hour. Well, now we know, we will have to wait to transport her for that 1/2 hour. Also, on Sunday, we took Joan down to Texas City, Tx to see a flamingo that has landed here. They think it is a male about 2 years old. They (the bird people) feel that because of his wings (not being clipped they way they do it zoos) and the type of flamingo, he is from the wild and not a zoo escapee. They think he got lost and flew up from Mexico. They don't know how long he is going to be here, but we sure did see him. He is located at the Texas City Dike and is on the left. They have an area roped off. For all you Houston area folks, he is a beautiful bird that is worth the drive to see, or if you just need an excuse to head south. Joan was thrilled to see him. Well, gotta get back to work especially since I have to leave today at noon for the next dr appt with Dad. Love and hugs to all, Mary et. al.
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