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5/24/04 8:06AM
Good Morning to all of you, All is good today at the Dombrowski Rehab Center. Dad is on the road to recovery and is looking better every day, but he still is not at 100%. He is maybe about 65-70%. He is still a bit weak and a bit shaky when he is walking. His hand is doing better and the swelling has gone down and the hand is not as bruised at is was. I am attaching a few pictures of Dad and his hand. I will send a picture of Mom tomorrow. I am having trouble with my computer skills or should I say computer accessories. Kelley got me this wonderful digital camera and we took some pictures this weekend. So last night I went upstairs to download the pictures to the computer (which worked well), then I tried to save them to a CD. Well that didn't work. The CD gave me some smart butt window that said, you need to go out to the internet and pay a fee to get the "full" version of the software that will allow you to format the CD. What the hell, I thought they came formatted. So then I went to our hotmail account and was going to send them out to all of you last night. Well, then I tried to attach one of the photos and 15 minutes later it still wouldn't attach. What a pain. So I got a diskette and decided to save them on the one and only diskette I could find and then I attached a whopping 2 pictures and then it said disk full, BUT before I could do that I had to formatt the diskette. What the hell again, Why am I having to do all this disk formatting! Jerry is out of town so he wasn't there to help me fuss at the computer. I guess I have to figure out the photo software so the photos won't save in the great detail that they did so I can get more on a diskette. So, let me get back to the folks. Mom is doing well. She has a doctors appt tomorrow and Dad has a bone scan. I will get to try out the new lift tomorrow! Mom is looking well, but she isn't able to tollerate sitting in the wheelchair for very long so I haven't been able to take her anywhere yet (like to church or to get her hair done). On Saturday, the bath lady came and got the mattress pad wet. So Sara had to put Mom in the wheelchair so she could dry the pad. Mom got real fussy being in the chair that long to dry the pad. I need to see about getting a different wheelchair for her. We have a rental one now, and I don't think it is the correct chair for her. Anna got back from Oman on Thursday and I was glad to see her home safe and sound. She had a good trip, but was tired. She is back to work today. Joan will be visiting Houston for a week begining this Thursday. Can't wait to see her. She will be suprised at how Mom is, she is so much improved from when Joan saw her last. She will also be suprised at how weak Dad is. Or maybe he will be better by the time she comes. Gotta get back to work. Love and hugs to you all. Mary
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