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5/17/04 1:47 PM
Hey Y'all, It's getting hot here in Texas. We are supposed to hit the big 90 this week and it is only the middle of May. Oh, well, it is much better than freezing in the winter. Well, it has been a very busy week for me. Anna is out of town and actually out of the country. She is in Oman. She left this past tuesday and will be back home this thursday (about 10 days) and I am in charge of the folks. Scarry thought being the lone one to make decisions, just the small ones of course. For the biggies, I get out the phone and get all the sibs involved. Mom is doing very well. She is very perky and bright eyed. She is still "tattling" on Dad and now she has even more to tattle on him about. Last week Dad fell twice. He is taking some "anti-flu" medication and it makes him a bit groggy and unstable on his feet. He fell the first time against Liz and the wall and skinned his left calf and his left butt cheek. Then on Tuesday about midnight, he fell while messing with Mom and then going to the bathroom. Nancy was there that time and she couldn't get to him fast enough. She thought he was going to sit back on the bed and at the last moment, he turned to go to the potty and he fell. It wasn't too bad and Liz got a doctor appt with him for 10 am on Tues. The doctor got him squeezed in and had x-rays taken. She took a bunch to make sure he didn't break a hip. Well he broke his ring finger, but not a hip. He also had two fractured vertebra T4 and T5. We couldn't get him to the hand surgeon that day and we had to wait until Wednesday to see him. The Hand dude decided that the best treatment was to put him in a cast for 6-8 weeks instead of surgery. He said Dad would have about 80% of the use by doing the cast instead of surgery. And it is Dad's "bad" hand so I made the decision to just do the cast thing. The ortho guy said the fractured T4 & T5 were old injuries and if they weren't bothering him, we wouldn't do anything about that for now. I had to take the new van into get the lift today, so this week sometime we will have the van ready for Mom and Dad. Dad has been so weak, we had to use the wheelchair for him and Liz had to lift him in and out of the van for all these doctor appts. So as of right now we have both parents at home and Mom is sucking the life out of Dad. He is looking not so good and she is looking better. My good friend Kelley, got me a digital camera for my birthday and as soon as I get a chance to get it working I will send out some pictures of them (and dad's hand too). Well, that's about all for now. love and hugs from all the Texan's (the Dombrowski-Davis' not the football team of course) Mary
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