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3/7/04 10:58 PM
Hi to all. Tom here from PA. We could write a novel about all the twists and turns that happened, but as I type, Ed and Eleanore Dombrowski are now safely in TX. Long story short, EVERY thing that we intended to do to move Ed and Eleanore to TX did not work the way we envisioned, but we found new ways to accomplish the various goals. AND ALL INVOLVED ARE STILL ON SPEAKING TERMS!!!!! Saturday morning started with Eleanore producing significant bowel movements (excuse the excessive detail) and that was her "get out of jail free" card). Ed was saying "I'm not going to TX" so it took a little bit of work to get him dressed and to the hospital to visit with Mom. Anna and Mary and Eddie went to the hospital to get a "taking care of Eleanore class" and the packers, (Jerry -Mary's hubby), Jerry's friend Buddy, Mary's friend Kelly and Tom) went into overdrive and packed up the house with significant items (pictures,clothes, books, lamps, etc). The packers were done before the bureacracy of the hospital was finished so we had to cool our jets before the trip began. At 2:43 EST we got Eleanore sprung from the hospital, loaded into a rental RV and we started west. 17 hours and 10 minutes later we arrived at Mary's house. Eleanore was an ACE raveller with Mary, Anna and Kelly taking care of her. Ed was WIRED. He stayed up until he crossed into TX (23 hours without sleep, he knew that going to Mobile AL was not the direct way from the hospital to his house in Deltona). But we got there safe and sound. The biggest issue was how to get Eleanore out of the RV. With a little help from the local EMS squad it was NOT A MAJOR problem. So, Ed and Eleanore are now living at VOP in Houston. Anna and Mary have arranged private nursing care for them with the help of Kelly (see packing section and taking care of Eleanore en route section) and Lynda. Mary and Anna now are shouldering the major load as they are at "ground zero" and it will be a learning experience for them. I have a buddy at work who says "you got to give your kids a chance to show how good they can be" and I am 100% sure that Anna and Mary (with help from the extended Davis family and Joan and Tom/Mary Liz) will show how good they are by take excellent care of Ed and Eleanore. The old saying goes, "be good to your kids, they pick your nursing home." I think Ed and Eleanore were FABULOUS parents, and I only hope we have done enough for them. We will continue to update the list of concerned friends and family. The move to Texas is being viewed in the next step of Eleanore's recovery and we will take one day at a time and be thankful that both our parents are still with us. As the siblings we can not thank you all enough for your help, prayers and support. WE WILL STILL NEED THEM ALL. Thanks to all, P.S. Kelly and Buddy who were on this great adventure you were wonderful and need to be singled out and we hope that you win the lottery!!!!! We will NEVER be able to thank you enough!!!!
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