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Sent: Tue 6/10/03 Subject: Test Results Hi Y'all: Went to the Cardiologist this morning. The stress is normal; the echo-gram shows a slight "leakage"; the heart monitor that I wore (two times) shows that I have arrhythmia. He says my heart goes "baroom, baroom, baroom, then it goes baroombaroombaroombaroom, meaning hat it skips beats. He wants me to get still another holter monitor on in two weeks to see how the heart is after he adjusted my medications. He increased my Digitex (Lanoxin) too two a day instead of one a day plus my Toprol to 50 mg. twice a day. This morning, my pressure read 188/78 in my left arm and 200/84 in my right arm. He told me it's very important for me to NOT eat anything salty nor cook with salt, which I don't do anyway. I must be very sensitive to salt. Yesterday we had our last meeting for the summer and people brought covereddishes and, of course, I ate things that were salty, especially the deviled eggs someone brought and the fried chicken that the club furnished (purchased at our Publix grocery store, although I did not eat the coating of the chicken. Anyway, after the wearing of the third heart monitor, he'll see me in a year (unless something else develops). Mary D: Good luck on your upcoming test. I'll say some prayers for you. Mary L Thanks for the lowdown on your visit to the Bar Mitzvah of your nephew. It seems like you all had a good time. JO: In case I don't get a chance to talk with you before your trip to CA, let me wish you a good and safe plane ride and an interesting weekend. Anna: How's that left hand of yours doing? Is it getting better? How was the visit to the Orthopedist? Must you still wear the brace? Thanks all of you for all your messages. Say hi to everyone and will keep you all posted about my health. All our love, M&D; Busia and Dziadzi. When will you Yankees go to Chicago to bring Andy back. A. Dol saysprobably next week? Have a good trip also. Drive carefully Bye for now. Mom.
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