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Hi Everyone, I wanted to let you know we are all fine here after Hurricane Ike passed through Houston on Saturday morning.
Anna left Houston on Tuesday morning to attend a seminar in Calif. and was able to get out of town on her scheduled flight at 6:15am. She is due back tonight about 7 pm. Anna's house did not have any damage from the storm except she has 2 of the 3 fences knocked down due to the posts holding the wooden fence snapped at the base. Here home had no damage what so ever.
Our house did not have any real damage per se. The fiberglass cover on our patio is mostly gone and we also had part of our back fence blow over (again due to the posts snapping at the base). The biggest problem we had was a tree fell over in our front yard and landed on all three of our vehicles. Jerry's work truck was closest to the tree and it took most of brunt of the tree damage. The windshield was busted out, the hood severly dented in and the side view mirror fell off. Jerry's regular truck had the windshield crack and the top of the cab of the truck has a 6 inch dent in the top. My Saturn Vue (what I baught to replace the handicap van) was parked closest to the house only had the upper branches on it so it didn't get any real damage at all. Funny thing is we don't know when the tree fell (the tree's 2 ft diameter base just snapped in two and the roots are still in the ground) and it must have made a big noise falling on the trucks/car. We woke up around 4am when the storm came through and the tree had fallen by then.
Our house got the power back on after two days (Sunday afternoon), but Anna's house is still without power. Her dogs came to stay with us because of her trip and will have to stay until she gets power back and the fence fixed.
Jerry and I went over last night and cleaned everything out of her frig (trash day is today) so at least it wouldn't be too bad when the power comes back on. It's weird that only a few homes in our subdivision has power and 90% doesn't. We are blessed that we do have power.
The City of Houston is getting back to normal so to speak. It is still very hard to get gas and food. Most stores that have power and are open have limited items and the lines are long. We are also under "boil" precautions for our water until further notice. We never lost water, which is a great thing.
My hospital did really well. We didn't have any power outages and any real damage to the main hospital. We have an outlying building that had a 6 inch domestic water line break on the top floor and the building had at least 4 inches of water on the 6th floor ran down the riser and thoughout the building. My co-worker and I did an assesment of the building's sheetrock and a huge amount has to be removed and replaced. That will keep our contractors busy for a bit.
Anyway, that is our latest update her in Houston.
Oh, as of yesterday, my friend Kelley and her Mom still are out of power.
Love and hugs to all, Mary et.al
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