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4/7/05 9:05am
Howdy Folks, Just wanted to say hey to all of you and let you know that things are doing real well (knock on wood) here in Houston. Mom and Dad both had their annual physical and the doctor did alot of blood work. Dr. D said their blood work looks like they are teenagers. Dad has high cholesterol and triglycerides, which she says is because of the diabetes (his fasting glucose was 131) and when that comes down, the others will too. Joan was here for her spring break this past week. She left today to go to see Aunt Jay in Fl and to take her to visit her doctor and get blood work done. She is also going to be with Dotty and Frank for 2 days. Dotty is having a little surgery, and Joan will be able to be there with Frank. Good Luck Dotty, we are praying for your recovery. Joan helped me out by taking Mom for a few tests at the local hospital. During the annual check up the Dr. wanted Mom to have a mamogram and a bone density test. So I scheduled them for this past Tuesday. The x-ray technician gave Joan a bit of a problem with the mamogram and said she was going to call the Dr. to see if she really wanted it done. Joan was like go ahead, but we want it done. So the tech called the Dr. and she said to do the test. Joan and I are like, well, we wouldn't put Mom through Chemo or Radiation if she had cancer, but we sure would get it removed and would like to know it was there.
What really happened was the tech saw Mom in the wheelchair and thought that this is going to be a hard patient to do and wanted the dr. to cancel the order, so she wouldn't have to do the test. So it got done, but I don't know the results yet. Will let you know if there is anything serious. The bone scan went well and that lady even gave Joan some bone scan results to have for "the file." I have never what the results of one looks like, but we have a copy. I am sure the dr. will let me know what it shows.
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